Cape Cod CPR & First Aid Training offers a traditional, 2-day / 20 hour, EMT refresher (NCCP) program that exceeds the National Registry of EMT's requirements. Cape Cod CPR also offers a hybrid option when the student will complete 7 hours online prior to the classroom portion then 13 hours of live instruction. BLS CPR Recertification INCLUDED with both packages! Students may choose from two options:
National Core Competency (National Requirement) Traditional Classroom ($189)
National Core Competency (National Requirement) HYBRID (7 Hours Online, 13 Classroom) Program ($210)
In both options, students will participate in all of the prescribed content as set forth by the NREMT.
Students must be present for all 20 hours of NCCR instruction (7 online and 13 in class for hybrid option) in order to claim any educational hours.
Students will participate in all of the prescribed content as set forth by the NREMT. Our program is unlike others you may have taken. We have multiple hands-on lab stations combined with live lectures from experienced instructors. We make the course fun and informative for students of all learning styles.
Students will be administered a competency exam. There are three components of the National Registry Continued Competency Program (NCCP):
NATIONAL Continued Competency Requirements (NCCR)
LOCAL Continued Competency Requirements (LCCR)
INDIVIDUAL Continued Competency Requirements (ICCR)
NATIONAL Continued Competency Requirements (NCCR) are determined by the NREMT Board of Directors and comprises 50% of the overall requirements necessary to recertify.
LOCAL Continued Competency Requirements (LCCR) are developed and delivered at the local EMS level. In Massachusetts, at this time, the LOCAL requirements have yet to be defined. Examples of classes that meet this requirement include MOLST, Blood Bourne Pathogens, Statewide Treatment Protocol Updates, and Point of Entry.
INDIVIDUAL Continued Competency Requirements (ICCR) are determined by the individual. Currently, EMTS may choose any EMS related education to satisfy this requirement. In the future, the ICCR may be based on outcomes of a self-assessment guide, which is offered at no additional fee as part of the recertification process. The results of the assessment are provided to the individual EMS provider and de-identified, aggregate data to Training Officers to help assess areas of remediation. If no deficiencies are indicated, the provider may select any EMS related education for the ICCR component.